
Martin Nawrot
Gaia Tavosanis
Gaia Tavosanis


May 31st – June 2nd 2021




Alla Borisyuk  University of Utah

André Fiala  University of Göttingen

Andrew Lin  University of Sheffield

Aurore Avargues-Weber  University of Toulouse

Bertram Gerber  Leibniz-Institute for Neurobiology

David Owald  Charité – Berlin University of Medicine

E. Josie Clowney  University of Michigan

Gaia Tavosanis  German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases Bonn

Hiromu Tanimoto  Tohoku University

Hokto Kazama  Riken Center for Brain Science

Ilona Grunwald Kadow  Technical University of Munich

Jim Truman  Janelia Research Campus

Karla Kaun  Brown University

Larry Abbott  Columbia University

Marta Zlatic  University of Cambridge

Martin Nawrot  University of Cologne

Nitin S. Chouhan  University of Pennsylvania

Oren Schuldiner  Weizmann Institute of Science

Scott Waddell  University of Oxford

Seth Tomchik  The Scripps Research Institute

Stephan Sigrist  Free University of Berlin

Thomas Nowotny  University of Sussex

Thomas Préat ESPCI Paris

Vanessa Ruta  The Rockefeller University

Walter Senn  University of Bern

Wolfgang Rössler  University of Würzburg

Yoshinori Aso  Janelia Research Campus


Amita Sehgal  University of Pennsylvania

Barbara Webb  University of Edinburgh

Gerald Rubin  Janelia Research Campus

Geraldine Wright  University of Oxford

Glenn Turner  Janelia Research Campus

Leslie Griffith  Brandeis University

Lisa Scheunemann  Free University of Berlin

Martin Giurfa  Paul Sabatier University Toulouse

Randolf Menzel  Free University of Berlin

Alla Borisyuk
André Fiala
Andrew Lin
Aurore Avarguès-Weber 
Bertram Gerber
David Owald
E. Josie Clowney
Hiromu Tanimoto
Hokto Kazama
Ilona Grunwald Kadow
Jim Truman
Karla Kaun
Larry Abbott
Marta Zlatic
Nitin S. Chouhan
Oren Schuldiner
Scott Waddell
Seth Tomchik
Stephan Sigrist
Thomas Nowotny
Thomas Préat
Vanessa Ruta
Walter Senn
Wolfgang Rössler
Yoshinori Aso


The meeting took place from May 31st – June 2nd with sessions from 3 pm – 6.30 pm CEST.




Session 1: 3 pm

Chair: Glenn Turner

12 + 5 Hokto Kazama Constructing representations of odor objects

12 + 5 Gaia Tavosanis The mushroom body calyx: structure and function

12 + 5 Karla Kaun Alternative splicing in memories for natural and alcohol reward

8 + 5 Short talk – Nannan Chen Local translation assembles the synaptic proteome required for associative learning in Drosophila

10 Discussion

Session 2: 4.15 pm

Chair: Gerry Rubin

12 + 5 Oren Schuldiner Developmental remodeling of the MB circuit requires activity dependent coordination between the APL and ɣ-KCs

12 + 5 Josie Clowney Development of connectivity in the mushroom body calyx

12 + 5 Yoshi Aso Neural circuit mechanisms of memory-based actions and learning

8 + 5 Short talk – Chen-Han Lin Wiring and operational flexibility of the Drosophila mushroom body circuit

10 Discussion

Session 3: 5.30 pm

Chair: Amita Sehgal

12 + 5 Ilona Grunwald Kadow Innate Immune receptors, AMPs and the mushroom body

12 + 5 Nitin Chouhan Context-dependent role for sleep in memory formation

12 + 5 Thomas Preat Glial insulin prompts glucose shuttling to mushroom body neurons for long-term memory

10 Discussion

30 Social Breakout Room Session




Session 4: 3 pm

Chair: Leslie Griffith

8 + 5 Short talk – Xuelong Sun The role of the Mushroom bodies in orchestrating guidance behaviours

12 + 5 Hiromu Tanimoto Presynaptic inhibition of dopamine neurons controls cognitive bias

12 + 5 André Fiala Imaging synaptically distributed memory engrams: The Drosophila mushroom body as a study case

12 + 5 Stephan Sigrist Active zone plasticity: a gating mechanism connecting sleep with
memory formation?

10 Discussion

Session 5: 4.15 pm

Chair: Barbara Webb

12 + 5 Aurore Avargues-Weber Are higher-order analytic cognitive faculties of honeybees the consequence of the mushroom bodies architecture?

8 + 5 Short talk – Evripidis Gkanias How fruit flies acquire, forget and assimilate memories: a computational perspective

12 + 5 Andrew Lin Compensatory variability in network parameters enhances memory performance in the Drosophila mushroom body

12 + 5 Seth Tomchik Mechanisms of graded plasticity in the mushroom body

10 Discussion

Session 6: 5.30 pm

Chair: Martin Giurfa

12 + 5 Alla Borisyuk How mushroom body odor representations are shaped by connectivity patterns

12 + 5 Wolfgang Roessler Mushroom-body expansion in social Hymenoptera – are Kenyon cells special?

12 + 5 Jim Truman Strategies and Constraints in the Evolution of the Larval Mushroom Bodies

10 Discussion

30 Social Breakout Room Session




Session 7: 3 pm

Chair: Lisa Scheunemann

12 + 5 Thomas Nowotny Learning with reward prediction errors in a model of the Drosophila mushroom body

12 + 5 David Owald Where to store a memory

12 + 5 Scott Waddell Things are often not what they appear to be

10 Discussion

Session 8: 4 pm

Chair: Randolf Menzel

12 + 5 Bertram Gerber Heterogeneity in the temporal fingerprint of internal reinforcement signals in Drosophila

12 + 5 Marta Zlatic Circuits for learning, predicting, and deciding

12 + 5 Walter Senn Error- or target-driven synaptic plasticity? A model of predictive learning in the mushroom body

8 + 5 Short talk – Kristin Scaplen Transsynaptic mapping of Drosophila mushroom body output neurons

10 Discussion

Session 9: 5.15 pm

Chair:  Geraldine Wright

12 + 5 Martin Nawrot Foraging on the fly: A spiking model for rapid learning and odor plume navigation

8 + 5 Short talk – Cornelia Buehlmann Mushroom bodies are required for learned visual navigation, but not for innate visual behavior, in ants

12 + 5 Vanessa Ruta Mushroom body signaling during odor navigation

12 + 5 Larry Abbott Continuous memory in the mushroom body

10 Discussion

30 Social Breakout Room Session

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